Monday, January 10, 2005


Java : static modifier and System properties

Static modifiers are only static relativ to the classloader where the classes are loaded from. If the application uses for example several url classloaders static variables are only static relativ to each such classloader.

But now what about, if you store an object in the system properties (the system properties are in special also a hashtable!). Is this object "globally static" for the whole VM?

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Internet Explorer Bug during HTTP POST requests

IBM - Zero content-length POST body is occasionally sent by Internet Explorer 6 clients after installing Microsoft� security update MS04-004 or the 821814 Hotfix.

The same problem occured during sending a post submit on an ordinary http page without ssl. This happend in a Java servlet/JSP environment and could be reproduced especially after a GET Request to a servlet which sends a redirect.

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